Why Blog the Bible

Have you ever read the bible cover to cover? Many people attempt this and it is easily done in a year. However I am afraid my endeavour will take a little longer than that.

The goal of the exercise is to not only familiarize myself better with the sacred scriptures, but also to get a better understanding of why we can’t touch the dead skin of a pig, or in what type of fish Jonah spent three days.

The bible is filled with many wondrous and bizarre stories. Sometimes comical, sometimes insightful and sometimes downright weird, my reflections on the bible, its stories and characters is one man’s attempt to gain a better understanding into the divine and how and why the divine operates in this world.

3 thoughts on “Why Blog the Bible

  1. You might be interested in reading A.J. Jacobs’s book “A Year of Living Biblically.” He addresses some of what you’re searching for here, but from a different perspective.

  2. ph33lm00r3 says:

    trying to read the whole thing or atleast understand what i’m suppost to do in this world to be in his good graces..

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