
It bugs my shit that after all this time, I can still be defined by past events. 20+ years after the fact and still I find nature has more of a profound effect on my actions than rational thought or reason seems to.

I accepted some of my motivations for some actions coming from the past along time ago. I told myself that since they were leading to moral goodness or that they are societally considered “good” then it was alright. I know see that if I truly wish to break from my past then I have to do it in all aspects of my life or it means nothing.

On a lighter note, I am finding the Republic by Plato to be more of a difficult read than some of his other works. I just keep sitting here going, alright, get to the point, stop playing word games, I get the point. A lot of it seems tedious to me. Discussing it though, I had a great conversation with my best mate in Germany about the book, specifically about book 10 and some of the overriding themes he is driving at.

I only have a few weeks of studying the Republic, so I should enjoy it more. Maybe I am to bias, for I am much more of an Aristilian and find that Plato and neo-platonist bother me. I will be on Augustine in no time, and into Cristian values and ethics shortly so I should stop and appreciate it more I think.

Other than that I am reading this book “How the Scots Invented the Modern World”. Needless to say, it has its use in bothering the hell out of British roommate, other than that, the arguments are quite weak and the logic leading. I will see if it improves, but up to this point, I think the author is a bit of a ummm….wanker??? Would that be a good word for it? I think it fits.

That’s all for now, time to go meditate and enjoy some quiet introspection.

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