Does IM on Facebook count? Did I cheat? I am not sure, but I did reconnect with an old friend I had not spoken to in a very long time through Facebook. That is why it is there right? To touch base with people from years ago you don’t speak to anymore and share cat pictures?
The thing is while it was good to reconnect, I also realized I am no longer the person I was or they knew. I have changed so much over the past number of years I scarcely know who I am anymore. This has just reinforced for me some thoughts I have been having for a while now.
If I am no longer the person I used to define myself as, then who am I? Am I clay, continually being folded into something new? Will I never be able to point to something, a generalization as to who I am?
There is something freeing about not being the person you thought you were and something completely terrifying about not knowing who you are.