For those unfamiliar with Nuit Blanche you will have to wait another year to experience local artist taking over the night. If you are interested in finding out what you missed though, check it out here
Street theater in alley ways, parking lot performances and night club galleries is the bohemian experience that Nuit Blanche is for one night. In a few cases you become the model and eventually the artist will use you in social commentary.
Live art is more than stepping back passively to experience a piece being created. Part of you can be drawn into the creative vortex of the artist and your energy inspires the artist to continue to create in the moment, a Rite of Spring so to speak; a rebirth.
As we walked back to our car from downtown we passed the empty and dark Cathedral. I began to envision some of the performances on the lawn, or better yet, the doors of the cathedral church opened wide on a Saturday night for hundreds of visitors to walk in, experience art in progress and be welcomed into our church building.
I am sure of the hundreds of people that attended Nuit Blanche many have never set foot in a church, let alone our church. What a great opportunity for evangelism, outreach and welcoming another community into our midst. What a great opportunity it would be to use our facilities to help another community within the city. What a wonderful chance to open our doors and say come in.
I move on from the closed doors and the dark lawn and continue walking on Richmond Street wondering what could be next year at Nuit Blanche and I felt hope and a sense of possibility.
In the middle ages, churches were the centre of arts, theatre and performance of all kinds that were intended to transmit the salvation message. I agree: we should go back to that – the message – God loves us ALL and send His Son so that we could experience His love. And by ALL I mean liberal, conservative, white, black, asian, mixed, straight, gay, trans, confused, sure, right, wrong, searching, found …. There is no one outside God’s love. And we, the church, need to learn it, and act on it.